AppCard Online Deposit Experiencing Technical Issues

Updated 1/23 at 11:31 a.m.

As of January 22, the online deposit vendor JSA is experiencing transaction latency issues.

These issues cause AppCard online deposits to display as “pending,” and delay depositing funds into the designated account.

JSA Technologies had provided an update as of January 23 that the majority of transactions are completing immediatley, however there are some transactions that have not posted. 

JSA Technologies continues to work toward a resolution, and update Food Services as needed. A timeline for resolution has not been established.

Pending transactions will not show as deposited into the designated account, and are not complete until the transaction is “posted.” Any pending transactions shown on a bank statement that do not complete will drop from the statement, and will not debit the designated amount.  

Anyone needing to make a deposit immediately must please call the AppCard Office at 828-262-6141. Deposits can be made via telephone with a debit or credit card with a $3 minimum. The AppCard office also accepts checks and in-person transactions.

The AppCard Office apologizes for any inconvenience.

Please direct any questions or concerns to, and monitor the AppCard website, and Food Services Facebook and Twitter for updates.

Published: Jan 22, 2018 2:26pm
