Costs & Fees

Students receive their first AppCard as a part of institutional fees. Employees receive their first AppCard free of charge. The following costs and fees are associated with the AppCard:

Costs and Fees - Pay Online

Type of Purchase



Non-functioning cards not damaged by cardholders are updated free of charge.


Replacement AppCard

  • Lost or Stolen
  • Name Change or New Picture**
  • Damage caused by Cardholder
    • Unreadable in our scanners due to being hole-punched
    • Chewed 
    • Washed in the laundry, etc
**The name on your AppCard must match your legal name in Banner. If you legally change your name, you must notify Admissions or Human Resources prior to requesting a new AppCard.


AppCard for Spouse or Dependents


Nursing Badge (badge for BSN or MSN nursing program)


Campus Cash Refund Fee

Please read the Campus Cash Refund Procedures


Shipping for Online Students

(for Online Students who aren’t on campus to pick up their ID, or any student that would like their AppCard mailed to them)
